Titans Bring Home Top Awards From Statewide Research Competition
Titan researchers won top awards at the California State University Student Research Competition, held in April at San Diego State University.
Titan researchers won top awards at the California State University Student Research Competition, held in April at San Diego State University.
Cal State Fullerton’s master’s degree programs in business and nursing are among the state’s best, according to U.S. News & World Report.
13,095 students are eligible to participate in Cal State Fullerton’s 2023 Commencement, including 11,268 undergraduate and 1,827 graduate students.
Students from across disciplines won top awards in Cal State Fullerton’s Student Creative Activities and Research Day competition.
Cal State Fullerton’s annual University Awards Program featured a talent show, awards and a moving tribute to retiring President Fram Virjee.
Cal State Fullerton alumna Kelsie Whitmore knew there would be a first woman to play Major League Baseball. She’s on the road to achieving that milestone.
Cal State Fullerton class of 2023 graduate Sienna Baldwin will join the Arizona Diamondbacks as an athletic training intern.
California State University Interim Chancellor Jolene Koester has appointed Dr. Sylvia A. Alva to serve as president of Cal State Fullerton.
Students in Cal State Fullerton’s Neurocognitive Aging and Analytics Research Education program study connection between depression and Alzheimer’s disease.
Cal State Fullerton has been awarded $1.4 million in grants to promote career and college readiness for K-16 students.